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Health Well News

Acupuncture – the Original Bio-hack for… Seasonal Allergies!

Many of us struggle with unpredictable seasonal-allergy symptoms. How does one create a plan of action to reduce the incidence and severity of an illness with such an unpredictable temperament? Luckily, acupuncture is like the duct tape of medical interventions, patching dysfunction and boosting the body’s natural resilience with the creative tenacity of MacGyver.

Acupuncture can often provide a measure of relief spanning several areas at once (stress relief, pain relief and immune system support at the same time). Because acupuncture’s mechanisms of action impact several biochemical pathways that influence seasonal allergies, it is a tool that works in both a preventive and a pain-relieving way. In this case, it treats nearly every stage of the seasonal allergy process (barring emergency medical conditions). continue reading »

3 Ways to Alleviate Stress in Under 10 Minutes

We all have stress. Stress at work, stress at home, stress, stress, stress. And most of us know how harmful chronic stress can be to our bodies and minds. Stress can cause us to be fatigued, irritable, sad, restless, anxious and unmotivated. It can also lead to detrimental habits like smoking, drinking, drug usage and overeating.

What if you could combat and alleviate stress in 10 minutes or less? Your body, family, friends and co-workers would probably thank you. So, let’s explore three easy ways to fight off everyday stress. continue reading »

3 Quick Allergy Cures for Summer

kombucha-1074594_640Summer. School is out, vacations with the family are planned, good times are on the horizon, but you’re face to face with an old friend, allergies. You’ve tried Zyrtec, Claritin-D and even Allegra. If it is an allergy medicine on the market, you’ve bought it. But, unfortunately none of the medications seem to be doing the trick. Lucky for you there are many forms of natural remedies, which can give you a quick and easy fix to your allergy issues. Here are three quick fixes you should try this summer.

Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the quickest and easiest allergy fixes in the books. And, this cure has been used for centuries. If something has been used for that long, it’s guaranteed to be good, right? All you have to do is take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it with a cup of water. Easy right? But, there is one very important catch. continue reading »

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