- East Side Acupuncture6515 Basile Rowe
East Syracuse NY 13057
181 Kenwood Ave.
Oneida, NY 13421(315) 569-6579 East Syracuse Hours
Oneida Hours
- Sign up to receive news and updates and get my free report:“The Top 10 Reasons to Try Acupuncture”
- TestimonialsWhy acupuncture? Why not?! Couldn’t hurt. My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for 4 years. We were charting my BBT and watching for “signs” of fertility. We tried a ton of stuff. One day my mother had asked if I had ever considered acupuncture for fertility. She said that she had a co-worker whose daughter tried it for her fertility and after one session she ended up pregnant! I thought about it and figured that we... Read more »
When I decided that I wanted to stop drinking; I knew I needed help. I saw a commercial on tv for a addiction recovery place and in it someone was receiving acupuncture. I thought it was a place to start. I found casey on line and made a appt. He asked questions and took some history with out being judgemental then proceded with a treatment. For the first few weeks I was anxious but Casey gave me herb supplements and had me take note of
... Read more »I lead a very active lifestyle and for 4 years I had been experiencing pain in my arms as well as fatigue and shortness of breath whenever I worked out. I had been to several doctors who prescribed the general remedies; iron supplements, ibuprofen and rest. Finally I just gave up and conceded to the idea that the pain would never go away. After constant nudging from my training coach I agreed to go see Casey not really knowing what to expect but... Read more »I sought Casey’s help last year when I started nursing school and became physically ill from all the stress. I had a lot of trouble with my shoulder/back/neck, could not breathe well, and kept having weird pains all over I could not really explain. Casey was able not only to begin unlocking all the chaos in my body, but also to instruct me on the beginnings of better living that have all started coming together. The effects are not always
... Read more »After living a year in terrible pain even after a cortisone shot and physical therapy, I was regretfully facing shoulder surgery for an impingement. At this point, I decided to try one last thing…acupuncture. I found Casey through a referral and he was able to completely relieve my shoulder pain through acupuncture…something that I only thought that surgery and a long road of physical therapy would do. I would recommend Casey to anyone considering acupuncture…he explained exactly what he was
... Read more »I have been treated by Casey for an arthritic neck and lower back and have felt an over-all effective reaction to the acupuncture treatment. I recommend him to my friends and they also have had good results.
I was referred to Casey Lewis for sciatic pain in my leg, which being a hair dresser was becoming extremely difficult to bear. I was also experiencing hot flashes, day and NIGHT. After one treatment, my pain level immediately went from a 8 to a 1, and I have not had a hot flash since!! I have seen Casey only 6 times in 5 months, and my life now is practically pain free. I would recommend acupunture to anyone looking
... Read more »I saw Casey for 16 sessions recently. When I went to see him on a referral from a friend I was most concerned with back pain, but I was also working on some weight loss and thought this would help, as well as some stress relief. I was amazed that after the first visit I had absolutely no back pain and that would last about the full two weeks until I saw him again. He has also helped me with
... Read more »I have had 8 sessions with Casey, for a few issues I was having. Horrible leg cramps were keeping me up. After the first session (and it doesn’t hurt) I had a great nights sleep. My hands and fingers do not go numb, and my overall physical and mental feelings have become much better! I definitely recommend this New/Old treatment to anyone with problems, and definitely before you decide to have surgery. It just might avoid it! (like it did
... Read more » -
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Ways To Ring In The Chinese New Year
Part of celebrating the Chinese New Year (February 19) involves cleaning. Traditionally, homes are cleaned before the New Year, but sweeping and dusting isn’t done until the third day after New Year out of fear that good fortune will be swept away. The floors can be swept, starting by brushing the dust and dirt towards the middle of the house or building. Once the debris is piled into the center, it’s moved to the corners where it remains until the fifth day, at which point it can be thrown out. continue reading
Juicing vs Blending: The Great Health Debate
Adults who need 2,000 daily calories to maintain a healthy weight should eat 2 cups of fruit and 2½ cups of vegetables per day (a total of nine servings). According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), however, only 14% of adults consume the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables (source). That’s a shockingly low number that should serve as a wake-up call to people everywhere.
If you struggle to achieve to consume the recommended amount of vegetables and fruit, you should consider investing in a blender or juicer. Juicing and blending are both excellent ways to include more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Now for the million dollar question: which method is better for your health. continue reading
5 Tips To Help Kick Your Sugar Addiction
Are you addicted to sugar? If so, you aren’t alone. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the average American consumes a whopping 89 teaspoons of sugar per day – about 3-4 times more than the recommended daily allowance.
Sugar adversely affects the body in a number of different ways. It increases a person’s chance of developing diabetes, promotes tooth decay, contributes to fat accumulation and subsequently obesity, and weakens the immune system. continue reading
Can Acupuncture Help Treat Depression?
Depression is a serious medical illness that can lower a person’s quality of life while contributing to the onset of symptoms such as headache, insomnia, fatigue, and malnutrition. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 1 in 10 adults in the U.S. say they are depressed. Depression a growing problem that’s often masked with prescription drugs, forcing some to look for alternative forms of treatment.
Most cases of depression are treated with prescription drugs that trigger a range of problems of their own. Fluoxetine, ertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, citalopram, and escitalopram are just a handful of the most frequently prescribed antidepressants, all of which have a long list of adverse side effects. However, researchers are now saying that acupuncture may effectively treat depression in some individuals. continue reading
3 Ways To Improve Your Posture
Do you suffer from poor posture? Whether you’re sitting down at a desk, standing, walking or running, you should focus on maintaining your body’s natural position. This means keeping your head and neck up while avoiding slouching or slumping. The good news is that you can reverse the effects of poor posture by following some simple steps.
Some of the physiological problems linked to poor posture include: continue reading
7 Superfoods That Can Change Your Life
You are what you eat is an adage that holds more truth than you may realize. Unfortunately, many people today focus their diet around processed foods that are high in sugar, sodium and fat. Diets such as this can increase a person’s risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and more. You can protect your body and health against such illnesses, however, by eating lean meats, fresh vegetables, and by adding the following “superfoods” to your diet.
#1) Broccoli
This edible stalky plant of the cabbage family is loaded in potassium, vitamin B-6, vitamin C magnesium, and calcium. Scientists believes broccoli’s phytochemicals – organic chemical compounds which occur naturally – are able to aid in skin health, regulate blood sugar levels, strengthen the immune system, and ward off joint inflammation. continue reading
7 Things You Should Know About Acupuncture and Pregnancy
Acupuncture involves the placement of thin sterilized needles to stimulate various acupoints throughout the body. The stimulation of these areas is believed to correct imbalances and blockages in the body by promoting the healthy flow of energy (known as qi – pronounced CHEE).
The thought of having half a dozen or more tiny needles sticking into your skin when you’re pregnant, might sound frightening. However, it’s actually a safe, painless, straightforward procedure that can treat a number of adverse symptoms associated with pregnancy. continue reading
3 Tips to Easily Alleviate Your Stress Immediately
Stress from day-to-day life can have an extremely negative impact on our health, emotionally, mentally, and physically as well. Long-term or extreme stress can result in frequent or chronic headaches, muscle aches, sleeplessness, anxiety, fatigue, depression, etc. All of these problems only present even more problems to our health and overall well-being. How can we prevent stress from our everyday lives from becoming a much larger problem in our lives?
In the interest of being helpful, I have compiled my favorite 3 tips to easily alleviate your stress, hopefully to the benefit of many individuals suffering from stress-related ailments in their lives. continue reading
Lose weight this summer with acupuncture
One of the vexing aspects of the approach of summer is how you can obtain your “swimsuit body.” While the winter months, especially around the holidays, are a time for putting on some weight, the summer months are reserved for strenuous activity, especially on the beach. continue reading
Infrared Sauna
What is Infrared?
Infrared light is part of the invisible light spectrum which has the ability to penetrate human tissue. Infrared saunas use this to heat the body rather than just the air and surface of the body. It is like that nice warmth of sitting in the sun but without the harmful ultraviolet light that damages this skin.
Using the infrared wavelengths the infrared sauna increases the body’s core temperature which creates a deep detoxifying sweat.
Why Use Infrared Sauna?
–Detox from our sauna is 7 to 10 times greater than a conventional steam sauna. In a conventional steam sauna the average person sweats out 3% toxins and 97% water. In our sauna, the average person sweats out 20% toxins and 80% water!
Pain Relief
– Relieve back, neck, and arthritis pain with infrared sauna heat therapy. Researchers studying HRP (Heat Responsive Pain) have observed remarkable therapeutic benefits by using continuous low level heat therapy for treating lower back and upper body pain, all conditions that fall under the HRP classification. Heat therapy also reduces spasms in muscles.
Weight Loss
– A 30 minute infrared sauna session can burn up to 200-600 calories! As the body works to
cool itself while using an infrared sauna, there is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate. Our sauna’s infrared heat therapy raises core body temperature causing passive cardiovascular conditioning. Your body’s natural response to infrared heat therapy is to increase circulation and sweat. Check out the results with a heart rate monitor and you will be amazed!
Lower Blood Pressure
– In a clinical study with the University of Missouri Kansas City in 2005 and were shown to lower blood pressure from a 30 minute sauna session three times a week. Repeated infrared treatment improves impaired blood vessel functions in patients with high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. This suggests a preventative role for sauna use for arteriosclerosis.
Improve Circulation
-Heating of muscles with infrared produces an increased blood flow level similar to that seen during exercise. Body temperature elevation also produces an increase in blood flow. Infrared heat assists in resolution of inflammatory infiltrates, edema and exudates. The increased peripheral circulation provides the transport needed to help evacuate the edema which can help end inflammation, decrease pain and help speed healing.
Skin Revitalization
-Improve your skin’s appearance with regular use of an infrared sauna. Open wounds heal quicker with reduced scarring. Infrared heat therapy helps acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns and any skin lesions or cuts. It alsoreduces wrinkles, makes skin look radiant, firms and improves skin tone and elasticity.Regular use may alsohelp reduce cellulite trapped beneath the skin, lessen the appearance of scars, and help burns heal significantly.
Light and Sound Therapy
-Our infrared sauna also incorporates light and sound therapy. Light therapy (aka chromatherapy) is added to the sauna experience with colored bulbs in the sauna. There are 12 different colors to choose from each with it’s own benefits. Sound therapy is delivered by the SoSound A.R.T. (Acoustic Resonance Therapy). This unique system offers benefits such as:
- Significant Stress Reduction, including symptoms of PTSD and Autism
- Significant reduction in chronic muscle tension and pain management
- Balancing heart rate; blood pressure and increasing circulation
- Energizing and uplifting one’s mood, frequency and emotional health and well being
- Enhancing creativity, communication, performance and problem solving capabilities
To learn more about this wonderful technology visit – http://www.sosoundsolutions.com/so-soundheart/

Infrared Vs Traditional Steam Saunas
Traditional steam saunas use a heating element and water to create steam and heat the air in the sauna. This type of heat does not penetrate into the body in the same way as infrared and the steam makes it difficult to breath. Steam heat can also be unbearably hot and difficult to maintain an ideal temperature. Infrared saunas do not create steam and are much more comfortable and soothing to sit in.
Infrared heat is very safe and will not cause the skin to burn. It is the same type of heat used in hospitals to warm newborn infants.