- East Side Acupuncture6515 Basile Rowe
East Syracuse NY 13057
181 Kenwood Ave.
Oneida, NY 13421(315) 569-6579 East Syracuse Hours
Oneida Hours
- Sign up to receive news and updates and get my free report:“The Top 10 Reasons to Try Acupuncture”
- TestimonialsWhy acupuncture? Why not?! Couldn’t hurt. My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for 4 years. We were charting my BBT and watching for “signs” of fertility. We tried a ton of stuff. One day my mother had asked if I had ever considered acupuncture for fertility. She said that she had a co-worker whose daughter tried it for her fertility and after one session she ended up pregnant! I thought about it and figured that we... Read more »
When I decided that I wanted to stop drinking; I knew I needed help. I saw a commercial on tv for a addiction recovery place and in it someone was receiving acupuncture. I thought it was a place to start. I found casey on line and made a appt. He asked questions and took some history with out being judgemental then proceded with a treatment. For the first few weeks I was anxious but Casey gave me herb supplements and had me take note of
... Read more »I lead a very active lifestyle and for 4 years I had been experiencing pain in my arms as well as fatigue and shortness of breath whenever I worked out. I had been to several doctors who prescribed the general remedies; iron supplements, ibuprofen and rest. Finally I just gave up and conceded to the idea that the pain would never go away. After constant nudging from my training coach I agreed to go see Casey not really knowing what to expect but... Read more »I sought Casey’s help last year when I started nursing school and became physically ill from all the stress. I had a lot of trouble with my shoulder/back/neck, could not breathe well, and kept having weird pains all over I could not really explain. Casey was able not only to begin unlocking all the chaos in my body, but also to instruct me on the beginnings of better living that have all started coming together. The effects are not always
... Read more »After living a year in terrible pain even after a cortisone shot and physical therapy, I was regretfully facing shoulder surgery for an impingement. At this point, I decided to try one last thing…acupuncture. I found Casey through a referral and he was able to completely relieve my shoulder pain through acupuncture…something that I only thought that surgery and a long road of physical therapy would do. I would recommend Casey to anyone considering acupuncture…he explained exactly what he was
... Read more »I have been treated by Casey for an arthritic neck and lower back and have felt an over-all effective reaction to the acupuncture treatment. I recommend him to my friends and they also have had good results.
I was referred to Casey Lewis for sciatic pain in my leg, which being a hair dresser was becoming extremely difficult to bear. I was also experiencing hot flashes, day and NIGHT. After one treatment, my pain level immediately went from a 8 to a 1, and I have not had a hot flash since!! I have seen Casey only 6 times in 5 months, and my life now is practically pain free. I would recommend acupunture to anyone looking
... Read more »I saw Casey for 16 sessions recently. When I went to see him on a referral from a friend I was most concerned with back pain, but I was also working on some weight loss and thought this would help, as well as some stress relief. I was amazed that after the first visit I had absolutely no back pain and that would last about the full two weeks until I saw him again. He has also helped me with
... Read more »I have had 8 sessions with Casey, for a few issues I was having. Horrible leg cramps were keeping me up. After the first session (and it doesn’t hurt) I had a great nights sleep. My hands and fingers do not go numb, and my overall physical and mental feelings have become much better! I definitely recommend this New/Old treatment to anyone with problems, and definitely before you decide to have surgery. It just might avoid it! (like it did
... Read more » -
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Tag Archives: acupuncture
Six Ways Acupuncture Can Improve Women’s Health
Women’s health issues can be complex and unique to each person. However, traditional Western medicine solutions are full of invasive procedures that can alter hormones. Other solutions include prescription drugs that can have strong side effects for those taking them. Unfortunately, many women believe these are the only options.
However, acupuncture can be a tremendous solution in addressing a
Four Ways Acupuncture Can Improve Men’s Health
Some men might not consider acupuncture as a first resort when wanting a health reset, but acupuncture can be a great way to deal with some of the issues that come with getting older. There are certainly more than four, but here are the top four ways acupuncture can improve men’s health.
Acupuncture is Great for Treating Chronic Pain
The National Institutes of Health estimates that approximately 25.3 million adults suffer from chronic pain (defined as experiencing pain every day for the preceding three months). They also estimate that nearly 40 million adults experience what is considered severe levels of pain.
Chronic pain can be debilitating for those suffering from it and directly impacts quality of life. People
Acupuncture for Healthy Weight Loss
In the United States, an estimated 300,000 people a year die from obesity.
In several studies over the last five years, researchers have shown patients who receive regular acupuncture treatments see faster weight loss results than those who do not. In each case, the acupuncture treatments were combined with dietary and lifestyle changes also aimed at weight loss, but
Acupuncture for Mother’s Day
What better way to celebrate and support the mothers in your life this year than with an acupuncture appointment?
As a one-time mother’s day gift, acupuncture is a relaxing, revitalizing hour all for herself.
As a regular part of her health routine, acupuncture can keep her from getting sick frequently and offer a holistic treatment option for a variety
Acupuncture for Inflammation
For many of the afflictions acupuncture can treat – allergies, back pain, headaches, the list goes on – reducing inflammation in the body is a primary reason acupuncture is successful. For decades now, doctors and medical researchers have been trying to learn what the biological mechanism is that allows acupuncture to reduce inflammation in the body.
Acupuncture for Anger Management
Anger is the emotion associated with springtime in Traditional Chinese Medicine. For most of us, we consider anger a bad emotion, something to avoid or get rid of, so why would it be one that TCM would shine a light on?
Well, no emotion is inherently good or bad, it’s how we deal with challenging emotions that can end up
Acupuncture for Diabetes
More than 34 million Americans have diabetes, and approximately 90 percent of them have type 2 diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Type 2 diabetes, while its exact cause is unknown, develops when the body becomes resistant to insulin or the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin. Because of this, treatment often involves taking “insulin sensitizers”
Intention setting in the new year
It’s that time of year again: the time when many of us engage in the practice of setting a new year’s resolution.
It seems, though, that hand-in-hand with new year’s resolutions is the prediction of inevitable failure. That as soon as you pick a resolution, you won’t actually make it through the whole year sticking with the new behavior,
Opioid Addiction: What Is It and Why Is It Prevalent Today
Opioids. A word all too common to today’s society. Since the late 1990s, the number of opioid-related deaths has increased dramatically, having taken the lives of nearly 64,000 Americans each year.
The opioid epidemic is considered to be the deadliest crisis in United States history and overdoses have also become the leading cause-of-death in people under the