Acupuncture is becoming more and more integrated into the fabric of health care here in the United States but it still has a long way to go. Many people are either still skeptical about it’s benefits or just reluctant to try it out. Here in Syracuse acupuncture is really struggling to gain acceptance, while in other parts of the country it has become a regular part of health care, even being performed in major hospitals and respected health centers.
Healthcare in our country is falling apart. Costs are rising, quality of care is falling, and medical harm is one of the leading causes of death. People are looking for better options to resolve illnesses, fight chronic pain, and stay healthy without the use of dangerous drugs, costly and often unnecessary diagnostics, or surgical procedures. Acupuncture fits the role of a safe and cost effect option perfectly yet many in our community are unaware that it is even available to them.
We need your help to spread the word about acupuncture in the Syracuse area. If any of your friends, family, or co-workers are dealing with chronic pain, stress, insomnia, or a variety of other illnesses talk to them about acupuncture. Encourage them to check out our website ( or give us a call (569-6579) and ask us questions. Friends or family not in the Syracuse area? They can find an acupuncturist in their area by going to
Those of us in the acupuncture profession truly believe that Chinese medicine can be part of the solution to our nation’s healthcare problems. Luckily insurance companies and government agencies are starting to agree which means more and improved insurance coverage in the coming years.
We are also available to come speak at your office or other groups about acupuncture and Chinese medicine. We can also come to your office and teach stress management techniques. Does your company have a wellness center or hold an annual health fair? We would love to bring acupuncture right into the workplace.